Public profile for: smithsheryl

Students in Montgomery County Public Schools in Maryland must complete 75 hours of community service to graduate. Read more here.

SSLHours is a free service designed to streamline the process for reporting these SSL hours, and then aggregating them in the context of the "Leaderboards" you see on the home page.

This page is the public profile for the student whose username is smithsheryl.
smithsheryl was initially credited with 15.0 Service Hours earned prior to their use of SSLHours.
And with the hours completed below, they have a total of 15.0

You can review Service Hours completed by this student below (mouseover their avatar to read their reflections), along with any snapshots they may have taken of positions they've held on leaderboards.



credited Service Hours!!!

smithsheryl's service hours:

Student Activity School Team Date Total Status Form